Rokka as IIIF Image Server

You can use rokka as an Image Server to deliver zoomable (high resolution) images

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Use rokka as an IIIF Image Server

You can use rokka also as an IIIF Image Server to deliver zoomable (high resolution) images according to the IIIF Image API and together with for example one of the Open Source viewers like OpenSeadragon.

rokka supports the 2.1 and 3.0 version of those specs. The URL of the info.json is https://${org}${hash}/info.json for the latest version (3.0 right now). https://${org}${hash}/info.json or https://${org}${hash}/info.json for a specific version.

If the image is large, we will pregenerate (cache) all the needed tiles on demand, for fast access later.

If you're using OpenSeadragon, this would be the config you need and the result of this you can see below.

viewer = OpenSeadragon({
    id: "openseadragon1",
    tileSources: 'http://rokka.rokka.test/_iiif/283eaf/info.json',
    imageLoaderLimit: 2

You can use any rokka picture for this. Try with your own with this form.

Rokka Organisation: Hash: