To use the rokka API, you need to authenticate (but not for rendering images). There are two ways to authenticate, either via an API Key (the one you got when you signed up) or via a JWT Token. The latter is useful, when you don't want to store the API Key permanently, but you need the API Key to get such a token initially.
This is the easiest way to access the rokka API. Use the API key we provided you or generate a new key or a new user.
The disadvantage of this approach is, that you need to know the API key and it's valid forever and from everywhere (until you revoke it manually via the API). If you only store the API key somewhere on your backend and it's hidden from endusers, that shouldn't be a big issue. But you should still only give that API Key the permission it needs.
All you need to do is get the API key and follow the instructions of the library (PHP, JavaScript)
To authenticate, put the API key to the Api-Key
header, eg:
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Api-Version: 1' \
-H 'Api-Key: myKey' \
-X GET \
API Keys generated before December 2021 had the format [0-9A-Za-z]{32}
(32 chars) eg: mHXscTNT0rk9ZoMLO4dlFbpGxGe06hXt
Starting in December 2021, we changed that to a 64 char long string with the same pattern eg. 81468485c73a4201b5f86478434eb0431Lj0Sv7jrPioKLSBuNswRWQRP6OJbjLG
If you don't want to store the API Key permanently in a place you can't control (for example a user's browser) or want to give out time limited access or just enable it from certain IPs/networks, a JWT token is the way.
You could also give out such a time limited token only when someone logged in through other means to your backend (like via SSO). They would never see the API Key, just get access for some time directly to the rokka API from their browser, therefore saving some round trips to your backend. And if they leave your organisation, you don't have to revoke the API key, just not let them into your backend and give out new JWT tokens to them.
To get such a token initially, you have to get one with an API key. The token will have the same rights as the API key. It will be authenticated as the same user as with that API key.
(If you need a user with less rights, you need to create a new one and then generate a token with the API key from that new user)
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Api-Version: 1' \
-H 'Api-Key: myKey' \
Would return something like
"token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpZCI6IjdmOTllMjkxLWM0M2ItNDIzMC1hZTAxLWE3NmFmMjg4ZWM5MCIsImV4cCI6MTY1Mjc4MDE5NSwiZXhwdCI6ODY0MDAsImlwcyI6WyIyMTIuNTAuMTAuMTAiXSwicm4iOnRydWV9.EMU8CAiWQk7rLDm6JJ0ol1muj4bvkrqyqpQbXT3hM_g",
"payload": {
"id": "7f99e291-c43b-4230-ae01-a76af288ec90",
"exp": 1652780195,
"expt": 86400,
"ips": [
"rn": true
The token
property is the actual token to be used for authentication later, the payload is the content of the JWT payload, which
tells you something about the properties of the JWT token.
In our PHP library( (from 1.17 on) you can do the following to get one
$client = \Rokka\Client\Factory::getUserClient();
// the $apiKey and $options are optional,
$options = ['expires_in' => 3600]; // see below for the options
$token = $client->getNewToken($apiKey, $options);
and in our JavaScript library (from 3.7 on)
var rka = new rokka()
// the apiKey and options are optional
var options = {'expires_in' => 3600}; // see below for the options
const response = rka.user.getNewToken(apiKey, options)
The apiKey
parameter is optional, so that you can use another key than the main one. Eg. if you want to
generate a token in the backend from an API Key with less permissions and send it to the user.
After you get the token, you send the token prefixed with Bearer
in the Authorization
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Api-Version: 1' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN' \
In the PHP library, you can set it in the Factory function, or via the setToken()
If the token and the API key are set, the API key is used. You can unset the API key $client->setCredentials(null)
, if
it was set before to force the usage of a token.
$userClient = Factory::getUserClient('orga', null, [Factory::API_TOKEN => $token]);
// or
In JavaScript, you need callback functions to read and write the token so that it can be dynamically updated. See below for more details about that. If the API key and the token are set, the token is used, when it has not expired.
In this example, it would store the token in localStorage.
const getToken = () => {
return window.localStorage.getItem('rokka-token')
const setToken = (token) => {
window.localStorage.setItem('rokka-token', token ?? '')
export const rka = rokka({
apiTokenGetCallback: getToken,
apiTokenSetCallback: setToken,
apiTokenOptions: { expires_in: 3600 * 72 }, //we want it be valid for 3 days
You can also refresh a token with a token. You don't need an API Key to get a new token with a new expiry time (if the token is allowed to renew/refresh).
A token can have different options, which you can adjust when you generate a token. Some options are restricted when using a token to generate a new token. They're not if you use an API key.
A token always has an expiry time (the exp
property in the payload). By default it's set to one day (86400 seconds). With the expires_in
you can choose any other expiry time.
You can't refresh a token with a longer expiry time than the token used for authentication (the expt
property in the payload).
If you use an API Key as authentication, you're not limited by that.
The JavaScript library also tries to auto refresh a token after some time, if it's still valid.
By default, a token is IP protected. It can only be used from the same IP from where it was generated.
It's written in the ips
property of the payload.
If you don't want IP protected tokens, set the no_ip_protection
option to true.
You can also define the IPs/networks a token should be allowed from. Use the ips
option for this with a comma
seperated list of IPs and networks. If you use request_ip
as one of the values, it will be replaced with the currently
used ip. request_ip,
would allow the token to be used from the currently used IP and the
network. You can define up to 10 values and in total up to 10'000 covered addresses (we can adjust those values, if
this is not enough for you).
PS. We're not sure if this is a good idea to enable that IP protection by default. Just define explicitly with no_ip_protection
or ips
, what you want/need and the behavior won't change.
You can set a token to be renewable. Meaning someone can get a new token with a new expiry time with using the same token (before it expired). Useful if you don't want to log out people just because the expiry time was reached.
If your token is IP protected, it's renewable by default, otherwise (if no_ip_protection
was set) not.
You can set this explicitly with the renewable
option for either way.
In the payload it's the rn
property, which tells you if a token is renewable or not.
The PHP library doesn't refresh tokens automatically. But you can check if a token has expired with
$isExpired = $userClient->getTokenIsValidFor() < 0; // returns the amount of seconds the token is still valid
and then manually refresh it, if it's still valid or ask for the API Key.
For using the JavaScript library with JWT tokens, you need to specify where you store the token. One possibility, if it runs
in the browser, is to store it in localStorage
or sessionStorage
(depending on your requirements)
You can also define, which options should be used for generating new tokens with the apiTokenOptions
constructor option (the
example shows the default values)
export const rka = rokka({
apiTokenGetCallback: () => window.localStorage.getItem('rokka-token'),
apiTokenSetCallback: (token) => window.localStorage.setItem('rokka-token', token ?? ''),
apiTokenOptions: {
renewable: true
no_ip_protection: false
ips: 'request_ip`
expires_in: 3600 * 24
and from then on, if the apiTokenGetCallback
returns a non-falsy value, it uses that for authentication.
The JavaScript library also does some magic with renewing tokens. If it realises, that a token is expiring soon (default 1 hour)
it does renew it automatically, if it is allowed to (the rn
property in the property).
You can change that default with the apiTokenRefreshTime
option in the rokka constructor (in seconds). If you set it
to 0
or less, it will never be refreshed automatically.
You can also check if a registered token has already expired or not like in the example below. The method returns for how many seconds it's still valid and a negative value, when it's already expired.
const isExpired = rka.user.getTokenIsValidFor() < 0
You can't revoke a JWT token by itself, but you can delete/rotate the API key used for generating the token, then the token will also be invalid. But beware that this makes all tokens invalid which are based on this API key.
The rokka API returns a 401 HTTP Status, when you use an invalid token (be it expired or IP protected or just not in the right format). Renewing tokens on the other hand throws a 403, if this doesn't work (because for example you try to extend it for a longer period than the initial token).
The JavaScript library clears the token in the storage in both of those cases. So you can check for this token or a 401 if you want to show a login screen, when something goes not as expected.
If you try to do API calls with just an invalid API Key, that throws also a 403 and not a 401. This is due to historical
reasons, and maybe important to know if you support API Keys and API JWT Tokens. But we do add the property invalid_authentication
in all cases to the response, if the authentication was invalid, see the example below. This property is missing, if you are properly authenticated,
but just not allowed to do that API call (which will also get you a 403 usually)
"code": 403,
"message": "API credentials are not supplied or not a valid format.",
"invalid_authentication": true