Templates with Text

A demo with fonts and some complexer stack configuration with stack expressions and variables and "substacks" inclusion

Templates with Text Demo

Uses some complexer stack configuration with stack expressions and variables and "substacks" inclusion

Image: Font Size: Font:

Text 1: Opacity:

Text 2: Angle: Color: Shadow:

Logo: Size:


See the text operation chapter for more info.

The main template config:

    "stack_operations": [
            "name": "resize",
            "options": {
                "width": 700
            "expressions": {
                "width": "300 + ($shadow ? 4 :0)",
                "enabled": "$t2 != \"_no_text_\" ? true : false"
            "name": "composition",
            "options": {
                "mode": "background",
                "secondary_stack": "subtemplate",
                "cache": true,
                "secondary_image": "83d1ca",
                "anchor": "15_65"
            "expressions": {
                "text": "$t",
                "opacity": "$o",
                "size": "$s",
                "font": "$font"
            "name": "text",
            "options": {
                "angle": 0,
                "anchor": "20_20"
            "expressions": {
                "width": "$wlogo",
                "enabled": "$logo"
            "name": "composition",
            "options": {
                "mode": "background",
                "secondary_image": "0cf76f",
                "anchor": "right_bottom"
    "stack_variables": {
        "font": "86d7ee",
        "logo": false,
        "wlogo": 150,
        "shadow": false,
        "a": -5,
        "o": 100,
        "s": 50,
        "t2": "_no_text_",
        "t": ""

The subtemplate template config for the rotated text box with a possible shadow:

    "stack_operations": [
            "expressions": {
                "secondary_color": "$color"
            "name": "composition",
            "options": {
                "mode": "background",
                "width": 600,
                "empty_primary": true,
                "height": 120
            "expressions": {
                "font": "$font",
                "text": "$t2"
            "name": "text",
            "options": {
                "width": 560,
                "resize_to_box": true,
                "color": "ffffff",
                "height": 80
            "expressions": {
                "angle": "$a"
            "name": "rotate",
            "options": {}
            "expressions": {
                "enabled": "$shadow"
            "name": "dropshadow",
            "options": {
                "sigma": 2,
                "horizontal": 0,
                "vertical": 0,
                "opacity": 50
    "stack_variables": {
        "t2": "",
        "a": "-5",
        "font": "86d7ee",
        "shadow": false,
        "color": "7DAD41"