- AbstractStack — Class in namespace Rokka\Client\Core
- AbstractStack::addStackOperation() — Method in class AbstractStack
Adds a StackOperation to the list of existing Stack Operations.
- AbstractStack::addStackOption() — Method in class AbstractStack
Sets a single Stack option to the list of existing Stack options.
- $ Membership#active — Property in class Membership
- Active.
- Stack::addStackExpression() — Method in class Stack
Adds a Stack Expression to the list of existing Stack Expression.
- StackExpression::addOptionOverride() — Method in class StackExpression
Adds a single option override to the options overrides.
- StackExpression::addVariableOverride() — Method in class StackExpression
Adds a single variable override to the variables overrides.
- StackUri::addOverridingOptions() — Method in class StackUri
For overwriting stack operation options or adding stack options.
- $ User#apiKey — Property in class User
Api Key.
- Image::addAutolabels() — Method in class Image
- Image::addUserMetadata() — Method in class Image
Add the given fields to the user-metadata of the image.
- AbstractLocalImage — Class in namespace Rokka\Client\LocalImage
The abstract class for representing local images.
- AbstractCallbacks — Class in namespace Rokka\Client\TemplateHelper
Used for looking up and saving hashes related to a local image.
- UriHelper::addOptionsToUriString() — Method in class UriHelper
Allows you to add stack options to a Rokka URL.
- UriHelper::addOptionsToUri() — Method in class UriHelper
Allows you to add stack options to a Rokka URL.
- User::addUserApiKey() — Method in class User
Add an Api Key to the current user.
- Base — Class in namespace Rokka\Client
Base Client class.
- $ Organization#billingEmail — Property in class Organization
- Email.
- $ SourceImage#binaryHash — Property in class SourceImage
- DynamicMetadataHelper::buildDynamicMetadata() — Method in class DynamicMetadataHelper
- SearchHelper::buildSearchSortParameter() — Method in class SearchHelper
Builds the "sort" parameter for the source image listing API endpoint.
- $ Base#client — Property in class Base
Client to access Rokka.
- Base::call() — Method in class Base
Call the API rokka endpoint.
- CropArea — Class in namespace Rokka\Client\Core\DynamicMetadata
- CropArea::createFromDecodedJsonResponse() — Method in class CropArea
Create a CropArea from the decoded JSON data.
- DetectionFace::createFromDecodedJsonResponse() — Method in class DetectionFace
Create a SubjectArea from the decoded JSON data.
- DynamicMetadataInterface::createFromDecodedJsonResponse() — Method in class DynamicMetadataInterface
Create a DynamicMetadata from the decoded JSON data.
- MultiAreas::createFromDecodedJsonResponse() — Method in class MultiAreas
Create a DynamicMetadata from the decoded JSON data.
- SubjectArea::createFromDecodedJsonResponse() — Method in class SubjectArea
Create a SubjectArea from the decoded JSON data.
- Version::createFromDecodedJsonResponse() — Method in class Version
Create a CropArea from the decoded JSON data.
- Membership::createFromJsonResponse() — Method in class Membership
Create a user from the JSON data returned by the API.
- OperationCollection::count() — Method in class OperationCollection
Return number of operations.
- OperationCollection::createFromJsonResponse() — Method in class OperationCollection
Create a collection from the JSON data returned by the API.
- OperationCollection::current() — Method in class OperationCollection
- Organization::createFromJsonResponse() — Method in class Organization
Create an organization from the JSON data.
- $ SourceImage#created — Property in class SourceImage
- SourceImage::createFromDecodedJsonResponse() — Method in class SourceImage
Create a source image from the decoded JSON data.
- SourceImage::createFromJsonResponse() — Method in class SourceImage
Create a source image from the JSON data.
- SourceImageCollection::count() — Method in class SourceImageCollection
Return number in the collection.
- SourceImageCollection::createFromJsonResponse() — Method in class SourceImageCollection
Create a collection from the JSON data returned by the API.
- SourceImageCollection::current() — Method in class SourceImageCollection
- Stack::createFromDecodedJsonResponse() — Method in class Stack
Create a stack from a decoded JSON data returned by the API.
- Stack::createFromJsonResponse() — Method in class Stack
Create a stack from the JSON data returned by the API.
- Stack::createFromConfig() — Method in class Stack
Creates a Stack object from an array.
- StackCollection::count() — Method in class StackCollection
Return the number of stacks in this collection.
- StackCollection::createFromJsonResponse() — Method in class StackCollection
Create a stack from the JSON data returned by the API.
- StackCollection::current() — Method in class StackCollection
- StackExpression::createFromDecodedJsonResponse() — Method in class StackExpression
Create a stack from the decoded JSON data returned by the API.
- StackOperation::createFromDecodedJsonResponse() — Method in class StackOperation
Create a stack operation from the decoded JSON data returned by the API.
- UriComponents::createFromArray() — Method in class UriComponents
Creates a UriComponent object from an array with 'stack', 'hash', 'format', 'filename' and 'stack' as keys.
- User::createFromJsonResponse() — Method in class User
Create a user from the JSON data returned by the API.
- UserApiKey::createFromArray() — Method in class UserApiKey
Create a user from the JSON data returned by the API.
- UserApiToken::createFromArray() — Method in class UserApiToken
Create a user from the JSON data returned by the API.
- Image::copySourceImage() — Method in class Image
Copy a source image to another org.
- Image::copySourceImages() — Method in class Image
Copy multiple sources image to another org.
- Image::createStack() — Method in class Image
Create a stack.
- $ AbstractLocalImage#context — Property in class AbstractLocalImage
Can be anything and accessed in callbacks and such.
- UriHelper::composeUri() — Method in class UriHelper
Generate a rokka uri with an array or an UriComponent returned by decomposeUri().
- User::createUser() — Method in class User
Create a user.
- User::createOrganization() — Method in class User
Create an organization.
- User::createMembership() — Method in class User
Create a membership.
- User::createUserAndMembership() — Method in class User
Create a user and membership associated to this organization.
- $ Base#defaultOrganization — Property in class Base
Default organization.
- DetectionFace — Class in namespace Rokka\Client\Core\DynamicMetadata
- DynamicMetadataInterface — Class in namespace Rokka\Client\Core\DynamicMetadata
Marker interface to mark classes as dynamic metadata.
- $ Organization#displayName — Property in class Organization
Public display name.
- $ SourceImage#dynamicMetadata — Property in class SourceImage
- DynamicMetadataHelper — Class in namespace Rokka\Client
- Image::deleteSourceImage() — Method in class Image
Delete a source image.
- Image::deleteSourceImagesWithBinaryHash() — Method in class Image
Delete source images by binaryhash.
- Image::deleteStack() — Method in class Image
Delete a stack.
- Image::deleteDynamicMetadata() — Method in class Image
Delete the given DynamicMetadata from a SourceImage.
- Image::deleteUserMetadata() — Method in class Image
Delete the user-metadata from the given image.
- Image::deleteUserMetadataField() — Method in class Image
Delete the given field from the user-metadata of the image.
- Image::deleteUserMetadataFields() — Method in class Image
Delete the given fields from the user-metadata of the image.
- DefaultCallbacks — Class in namespace Rokka\Client\TemplateHelper
The default implementation for \Rokka\Client\TemplateHelper\AbstractCallbacks.
- UriHelper::decomposeUri() — Method in class UriHelper
Return components of a rokka URL.
- User::deleteUserApiKey() — Method in class User
Deletes an Api Key for the current user.
- User::deleteMembership() — Method in class User
Deletes a membership for the given organization and user's ID.
- $ StackExpression#expression — Property in class StackExpression
- $ StackOperation#expressions — Property in class StackOperation
Configured operation expressions provided for the stack.
- $ User#email — Property in class User
Email of user.
- Image::extractHashFromLocationHeader() — Method in class Image
Helper function to extract from a Location header the image hash, only the first Location is used.
- $ SourceImage#format — Property in class SourceImage
- Factory — Class in namespace Rokka\Client
Factory class with static methods to easily instantiate clients.
- FileInfo — Class in namespace Rokka\Client\LocalImage
Creates a LocalImage object with a \SplFileInfo object as input.
- $ DefaultCallbacks#fileExtension — Property in class DefaultCallbacks
- Base::getToken() — Method in class Base
Get the API Token.
- Base::getTokenPayload() — Method in class Base
Get the API Token Payload (unverified).
- Base::getTokenIsValidFor() — Method in class Base
Returns for how many seconds a token is valid for.
- Base::getOrganizationName() — Method in class Base
Return the organization or the default if empty.
- Base::getUnvalidatedPayload() — Method in class Base
Gets the payload of an API JWT Token (not validated against the signature).
- AbstractStack::getName() — Method in class AbstractStack
Get name of stack for url.
- AbstractStack::getStackOperations() — Method in class AbstractStack
- AbstractStack::getStackOperationsByName() — Method in class AbstractStack
Returns all operations matching name.
- AbstractStack::getStackOptions() — Method in class AbstractStack
- AbstractStack::getStackVariables() — Method in class AbstractStack
- CropArea::getName() — Method in class CropArea
- DetectionFace::getName() — Method in class DetectionFace
- DetectionFace::getForJson() — Method in class DetectionFace
Get the data, which should be json-fied later.
- DynamicMetadataInterface::getName() — Method in class DynamicMetadataInterface
- DynamicMetadataInterface::getForJson() — Method in class DynamicMetadataInterface
Get the data, which should be json-fied later.
- MultiAreas::getName() — Method in class MultiAreas
- MultiAreas::getAreas() — Method in class MultiAreas
Get all Areas.
- MultiAreas::getAreasByName() — Method in class MultiAreas
Gets an array of Areas with a specific name.
- MultiAreas::getFirstAreaByName() — Method in class MultiAreas
Gets the first Area with a specific name (all others have no meaning currently).
- MultiAreas::getForJson() — Method in class MultiAreas
Get the data, which should be json-fied later.
- SubjectArea::getName() — Method in class SubjectArea
- SubjectArea::getForJson() — Method in class SubjectArea
Get the data, which should be json-fied later.
- Version::getName() — Method in class Version
- Version::getForJson() — Method in class Version
Get the data, which should be json-fied later.
- Version::getText() — Method in class Version
- Operation::getName() — Method in class Operation
Get Name.
- Operation::getProperties() — Method in class Operation
Get Properties.
- Operation::getRequired() — Method in class Operation
Get Required properties.
- OperationCollection::getOperations() — Method in class OperationCollection
Return operations.
- Organization::getId() — Method in class Organization
Get Id.
- Organization::getDisplayName() — Method in class Organization
Get name for displaying.
- Organization::getName() — Method in class Organization
Get name for url.
- Organization::getBillingEmail() — Method in class Organization
Get Billing Email.
- Organization::getOptions() — Method in class Organization
Get organization options.
- Organization::getSigningKeys() — Method in class Organization
- SourceImageCollection::getTotal() — Method in class SourceImageCollection
Returns the total amount of items available in the API for the current listing.
- SourceImageCollection::getCursor() — Method in class SourceImageCollection
Returns the cursor value, if any.
- SourceImageCollection::getLinks() — Method in class SourceImageCollection
Returns the pagination/navigation links.
- SourceImageCollection::getSourceImages() — Method in class SourceImageCollection
Return the source images in the collection.
- Stack::getOrganization() — Method in class Stack
Get name of organization this stack belongs to.
- Stack::getCreated() — Method in class Stack
Get date of creation for this stack.
- Stack::getStackExpressions() — Method in class Stack
- Stack::getConfig() — Method in class Stack
Gets stack operations / options / expressions as one array.
- Stack::getDynamicUriString() — Method in class Stack
Returns the stack url part as a dynamic stack for previewing.
- StackCollection::getStacks() — Method in class StackCollection
Return the stacks.
- StackExpression::getExpression() — Method in class StackExpression
- StackExpression::getOptionsOverrides() — Method in class StackExpression
- StackExpression::getVariablesOverrides() — Method in class StackExpression
- StackUri::getStackUri() — Method in class StackUri
Returns the stack uri in 'dynamic' notation.
- StackUri::getStackUriString() — Method in class StackUri
Returns the stack url part as it should be with "addOptionsToUrl" calls in 'dynamic' notation.
- StackUri::getConfigAsArray() — Method in class StackUri
Gets stack operations / options as "flat" array.
- UriComponents::getStack() — Method in class UriComponents
- UriComponents::getHash() — Method in class UriComponents
- UriComponents::getFormat() — Method in class UriComponents
- UriComponents::getFilename() — Method in class UriComponents
- User::getId() — Method in class User
Get Id.
- User::getEmail() — Method in class User
Get Email.
- User::getApiKey() — Method in class User
Get Api Key.
- User::getApiKeys() — Method in class User
- UserApiKey::getComment() — Method in class UserApiKey
- UserApiKey::getAccessed() — Method in class UserApiKey
- UserApiKey::getCreated() — Method in class UserApiKey
- UserApiKey::getId() — Method in class UserApiKey
- UserApiKey::getApiKey() — Method in class UserApiKey
- UserApiToken::getPayload() — Method in class UserApiToken
- UserApiToken::getToken() — Method in class UserApiToken
- DynamicMetadataHelper::getDynamicMetadataClassName() — Method in class DynamicMetadataHelper
Returns the Dynamic Metadata class name from the API name.
- Factory::getImageClient() — Method in class Factory
Return an image client.
- Factory::getUserClient() — Method in class Factory
Return a user client.
- Image::getSourceImage() — Method in class Image
Load a source image's metadata from Rokka.
- Image::getSourceImagesWithBinaryHash() — Method in class Image
Loads source images metadata from Rokka by binaryhash.
- Image::getSourceImageContents() — Method in class Image
Get a source image's binary contents from Rokka.
- Image::getStack() — Method in class Image
Return a stack.
- Image::getSourceImageUri() — Method in class Image
Returns url for accessing the image.
- Image::getRenderBaseUrl() — Method in class Image
- AbstractLocalImage::getRealpath() — Method in class AbstractLocalImage
Returns the realPath of an image, if there is one.
- AbstractLocalImage::getFilename() — Method in class AbstractLocalImage
Returns the filename of an image.
- AbstractLocalImage::getContent() — Method in class AbstractLocalImage
Returns the actual content of an image.
- AbstractLocalImage::getIdentifier() — Method in class AbstractLocalImage
Returns the unique custom identifier.
- AbstractLocalImage::getContext() — Method in class AbstractLocalImage
Returns the custom context.
- AbstractLocalImage::getRokkaHash() — Method in class AbstractLocalImage
Returns the rokkaHash, in case the object knows it already.
- FileInfo::getFilename() — Method in class FileInfo
Returns the filename of an image.
- FileInfo::getIdentifier() — Method in class FileInfo
Returns the unique custom identifier.
- FileInfo::getRealpath() — Method in class FileInfo
Returns the realPath of an image, if there is one.
- FileInfo::getContent() — Method in class FileInfo
- RokkaHash::getIdentifier() — Method in class RokkaHash
Returns the unique custom identifier.
- RokkaHash::getContent() — Method in class RokkaHash
Returns the actual content of an image.
- StringContent::getIdentifier() — Method in class StringContent
Returns the unique custom identifier.
- StringContent::getContent() — Method in class StringContent
Returns the actual content of an image.
- TemplateHelper::getHashMaybeUpload() — Method in class TemplateHelper
Returns the hash of an image.
- TemplateHelper::getStackUrl() — Method in class TemplateHelper
Gets the rokka URL for an image Uploads it, if we don't have a hash locally.
- TemplateHelper::getResizeUrl() — Method in class TemplateHelper
Return the rokka URL for getting a resized image.
- TemplateHelper::getResizeCropUrl() — Method in class TemplateHelper
Return the rokka URL for getting a resized and cropped image.
- TemplateHelper::getOriginalSizeUrl() — Method in class TemplateHelper
Return the rokka URL for getting the image in it's original size.
- TemplateHelper::getSrcAttributes() — Method in class TemplateHelper
Returns a src and srcset attibrute (as one string) with the correct rokka render urls for responsive images.
- TemplateHelper::getSrcSetUrl() — Method in class TemplateHelper
Returns a srcset compatible url string with the correct rokka render urls for responsive images.
- TemplateHelper::getBackgroundImageStyle() — Method in class TemplateHelper
Returns a background-image:url defintions (as one string) with the correct rokka render urls for responsive images.
- TemplateHelper::getImagename() — Method in class TemplateHelper
Returns the filename of the image without extension.
- TemplateHelper::generateRokkaUrl() — Method in class TemplateHelper
Gets the rokka URL for an image hash and stack with optional seo filename in the URL.
- TemplateHelper::getRokkaClient() — Method in class TemplateHelper
Gets the rokka image client used by this class.
- TemplateHelper::getImageObject() — Method in class TemplateHelper
Returns a LocalImage object depending on the input.
- AbstractCallbacks::getHash() — Method in class AbstractCallbacks
Callback when a "local" image needs its hash.
- AbstractCallbacks::getMetadata() — Method in class AbstractCallbacks
Return an array of metadata to be sent to the rokka server.
- DefaultCallbacks::getHash() — Method in class DefaultCallbacks
Callback when a "local" image needs its hash.
- UriHelper::getSrcSetUrlString() — Method in class UriHelper
- UriHelper::getSrcSetUrl() — Method in class UriHelper
Returns a rokka URL to be used in srcset style attributes.
- User::getCurrentUserId() — Method in class User
Get current userID.
- User::getCurrentUserApiKey() — Method in class User
Gets info about the currently used Api Key.
- User::getCurrentUser() — Method in class User
Get current user.
- User::getNewToken() — Method in class User
Gets a new API JWT Token with an $apiKey.
- User::getOrganization() — Method in class User
Return an organization.
- User::getMembership() — Method in class User
Get the membership metadata for the given organization and user's ID.
- $ DetectionFace#height — Property in class DetectionFace
- $ SubjectArea#height — Property in class SubjectArea
- $ SourceImage#hash — Property in class SourceImage
- $ SourceImage#height — Property in class SourceImage
- $ Organization#id — Property in class Organization
UUID v4.
- $ User#id — Property in class User
UUID v4.
- Image — Class in namespace Rokka\Client
Image client for the service.
- $ AbstractLocalImage#identifier — Property in class AbstractLocalImage
A unique identifier for this image, can be any string.
- OperationCollection::key() — Method in class OperationCollection
- SourceImageCollection::key() — Method in class SourceImageCollection
- StackCollection::key() — Method in class StackCollection
- $ Membership#lastAccess — Property in class Membership
Last acess of this user to this organization.
- $ SourceImage#link — Property in class SourceImage
- $ SourceImage#locked — Property in class SourceImage
- Image::listSourceImages() — Method in class Image
List source images.
- Image::listOperations() — Method in class Image
List operations.
- Image::listStacks() — Method in class Image
List stacks.
- User::listMemberships() — Method in class User
List the membership metadata for the given organization.
- MultiAreas — Class in namespace Rokka\Client\Core\DynamicMetadata
- Membership — Class in namespace Rokka\Client\Core
Represents the relation of a user to an organization.
- $ SourceImage#mimetype — Property in class SourceImage
- $ AbstractStack#name — Property in class AbstractStack
- $ Operation#name — Property in class Operation
Descriptive name of the operation.
- OperationCollection::next() — Method in class OperationCollection
- $ Organization#name — Property in class Organization
Organization name.
- $ SourceImage#name — Property in class SourceImage
- SourceImageCollection::next() — Method in class SourceImageCollection
- StackCollection::next() — Method in class StackCollection
- $ StackOperation#name — Property in class StackOperation
Name of the operation.
- $ Membership#organizationId — Property in class Membership
UUID v4 of organization.
- Operation — Class in namespace Rokka\Client\Core
Represents a single operation to be executed on an image.
- OperationCollection — Class in namespace Rokka\Client\Core
Represents a collection of image transformation operations in a stack.
- Organization — Class in namespace Rokka\Client\Core
Organizations are independent instances of the Rokka service.
- $ SourceImage#organization — Property in class SourceImage
- $ Stack#organization — Property in class Stack
- $ StackExpression#overrides — Property in class StackExpression
- $ StackOperation#options — Property in class StackOperation
Configured operation options provided for the stack.
- UriComponents::offsetExists() — Method in class UriComponents
- UriComponents::offsetGet() — Method in class UriComponents
- UriComponents::offsetSet() — Method in class UriComponents
- UriComponents::offsetUnset() — Method in class UriComponents
- $ SubjectArea#percentage — Property in class SubjectArea
- $ Operation#properties — Property in class Operation
- Properties.
- $ SourceImage#protected — Property in class SourceImage
- $ Membership#roles — Property in class Membership
- Roles.
- $ Operation#required — Property in class Operation
Required parameters.
- OperationCollection::rewind() — Method in class OperationCollection
- SourceImageCollection::rewind() — Method in class SourceImageCollection
- StackCollection::rewind() — Method in class StackCollection
- Image::restoreSourceImage() — Method in class Image
Restore a source image.
- $ AbstractLocalImage#rokkaHash — Property in class AbstractLocalImage
The rokka hash from the rokka API.
- RokkaHash — Class in namespace Rokka\Client\LocalImage
Creates a LocalImage object with an existing rokka hash as input.
- Base::setCredentials() — Method in class Base
Set the credentials.
- Base::setToken() — Method in class Base
Set the API Token.
- $ AbstractStack#stackOperations — Property in class AbstractStack
- $ AbstractStack#stackOptions — Property in class AbstractStack
- $ AbstractStack#stackVariables — Property in class AbstractStack
- AbstractStack::setName() — Method in class AbstractStack
- AbstractStack::setStackOperations() — Method in class AbstractStack
- AbstractStack::setStackOptions() — Method in class AbstractStack
- AbstractStack::setStackVariables() — Method in class AbstractStack
- SubjectArea — Class in namespace Rokka\Client\Core\DynamicMetadata
- Version::setText() — Method in class Version
- SourceImage — Class in namespace Rokka\Client\Core
Represents the metadata of an image.
- $ SourceImage#shortHash — Property in class SourceImage
- $ SourceImage#size — Property in class SourceImage
- $ SourceImage#staticMetadata — Property in class SourceImage
- SourceImageCollection — Class in namespace Rokka\Client\Core
Represents a collection of source images.
- Stack — Class in namespace Rokka\Client\Core
Represents a collection of stack operations for an organization.
- $ Stack#stackExpressions — Property in class Stack
- Stack::setOrganization() — Method in class Stack
- Stack::setStackExpressions() — Method in class Stack
- StackAbstract — Class in namespace Rokka\Client\Core
This class is here for BC reasons. We renamed it to AbstractStack to be consistent with coding standards.
- StackCollection — Class in namespace Rokka\Client\Core
Holds a list of stacks.
- StackExpression — Class in namespace Rokka\Client\Core
- StackExpression::setExpression() — Method in class StackExpression
- StackExpression::setOptionsOverrides() — Method in class StackExpression
- StackExpression::setVariablesOverrides() — Method in class StackExpression
- StackOperation — Class in namespace Rokka\Client\Core
Represents an operation with configuration.
- StackUri — Class in namespace Rokka\Client\Core
This class is useful for working on stack URIs (dynamic or defined ones).
- UriComponents::setStack() — Method in class UriComponents
- UriComponents::setHash() — Method in class UriComponents
- UriComponents::setFormat() — Method in class UriComponents
- UriComponents::setFilename() — Method in class UriComponents
- Image::searchSourceImages() — Method in class Image
Search and list source images.
- Image::saveStack() — Method in class Image
Save a stack on rokka.
- Image::setDynamicMetadata() — Method in class Image
Add the given DynamicMetadata to a SourceImage.
- Image::setProtected() — Method in class Image
(Un)sets protected status to a SourceImage.
- Image::setLocked() — Method in class Image
(Un)sets locked status to a SourceImage.
- Image::setUserMetadataField() — Method in class Image
Add (or update) the given user-metadata field to the image.
- Image::setUserMetadata() — Method in class Image
Set the given fields as the user-metadata of the image.
- Image::setRenderBaseUrl() — Method in class Image
- AbstractLocalImage::setIdentifier() — Method in class AbstractLocalImage
Sets the unique custom identifier.
- AbstractLocalImage::setContext() — Method in class AbstractLocalImage
Sets the custom context.
- StringContent — Class in namespace Rokka\Client\LocalImage
Creates a LocalImage object with the content of an image as input.
- SearchHelper — Class in namespace Rokka\Client
Helper class for Search parameter building for service.
- TemplateHelper::slugify() — Method in class TemplateHelper
Create a URL-safe text from $text.
- AbstractCallbacks::saveHash() — Method in class AbstractCallbacks
This method is called, when an image was saved/uploaded to the rokka server.
- DefaultCallbacks::saveHash() — Method in class DefaultCallbacks
This method is called, when an image was saved/uploaded to the rokka server.
- UriHelper::signUrl() — Method in class UriHelper
Signs a Rokka URL with an option valid until date.
- User::setOrganizationOption() — Method in class User
Create an organization.
- $ Version#text — Property in class Version
- StackOperation::toArray() — Method in class StackOperation
Return the stack operation as an array.
- TemplateHelper — Class in namespace Rokka\Client
This class provides lots of helper functionality usually used in templates.
- $ Membership#userId — Property in class Membership
UUID v4 of user.
- $ SourceImage#userMetadata — Property in class SourceImage
- UriComponents — Class in namespace Rokka\Client\Core
Abstracts the components away of a rokka uri (hash, format, filename, stack, etc).
- User — Class in namespace Rokka\Client\Core
Represents a user.
- UserApiKey — Class in namespace Rokka\Client\Core
- UserApiToken — Class in namespace Rokka\Client\Core
- Image::uploadSourceImage() — Method in class Image
Upload a source image.
- Image::uploadSourceImageByUrl() — Method in class Image
Upload a source image.
- UriHelper — Class in namespace Rokka\Client
- User — Class in namespace Rokka\Client
User management client for the service.
- Version — Class in namespace Rokka\Client\Core\DynamicMetadata
- OperationCollection::valid() — Method in class OperationCollection
- SourceImageCollection::valid() — Method in class SourceImageCollection
- StackCollection::valid() — Method in class StackCollection
- SearchHelper::validateFieldName() — Method in class SearchHelper
Validates the field name.
- $ DetectionFace#width — Property in class DetectionFace
- $ SubjectArea#width — Property in class SubjectArea
- $ SourceImage#width — Property in class SourceImage
- $ DetectionFace#x — Property in class DetectionFace
- $ SubjectArea#x — Property in class SubjectArea
- $ DetectionFace#y — Property in class DetectionFace
- $ SubjectArea#y — Property in class SubjectArea
- Base::__construct() — Method in class Base
- Constructor.
- AbstractStack::__construct() — Method in class AbstractStack
- DetectionFace::__construct() — Method in class DetectionFace
DetectionFace constructor.
- MultiAreas::__construct() — Method in class MultiAreas
- SubjectArea::__construct() — Method in class SubjectArea
SubjectArea constructor.
- Version::__construct() — Method in class Version
- Membership::__construct() — Method in class Membership
- Constructor.
- Operation::__construct() — Method in class Operation
- Constructor.
- OperationCollection::__construct() — Method in class OperationCollection
- Constructor.
- Organization::__construct() — Method in class Organization
- Constructor.
- SourceImage::__construct() — Method in class SourceImage
- Constructor.
- SourceImageCollection::__construct() — Method in class SourceImageCollection
- Constructor.
- Stack::__construct() — Method in class Stack
- Constructor.
- StackCollection::__construct() — Method in class StackCollection
- Constructor.
- StackExpression::__construct() — Method in class StackExpression
- StackOperation::__construct() — Method in class StackOperation
- Constructor.
- StackUri::__construct() — Method in class StackUri
StackUri constructor.
- StackUri::__toString() — Method in class StackUri
- UriComponents::__construct() — Method in class UriComponents
StackUriComponents constructor.
- User::__construct() — Method in class User
- Constructor.
- UserApiKey::__construct() — Method in class UserApiKey
- Constructor.
- UserApiToken::__construct() — Method in class UserApiToken
- Constructor.
- Image::__construct() — Method in class Image
- Constructor.
- AbstractLocalImage::__construct() — Method in class AbstractLocalImage
- FileInfo::__construct() — Method in class FileInfo
- RokkaHash::__construct() — Method in class RokkaHash
- StringContent::__construct() — Method in class StringContent
- TemplateHelper::__construct() — Method in class TemplateHelper
- User::__construct() — Method in class User
- Constructor.