AbstractStackClass in namespace Rokka\Client\Core
AbstractStack::addStackOperation() — Method in class AbstractStack

Adds a StackOperation to the list of existing Stack Operations.

AbstractStack::addStackOption() — Method in class AbstractStack

Sets a single Stack option to the list of existing Stack options.

$ Membership#activeProperty in class Membership
Stack::addStackExpression() — Method in class Stack

Adds a Stack Expression to the list of existing Stack Expression.

StackExpression::addOptionOverride() — Method in class StackExpression

Adds a single option override to the options overrides.

StackExpression::addVariableOverride() — Method in class StackExpression

Adds a single variable override to the variables overrides.

StackUri::addOverridingOptions() — Method in class StackUri

For overwriting stack operation options or adding stack options.

$ User#apiKeyProperty in class User
Image::addAutolabels() — Method in class Image
Image::addUserMetadata() — Method in class Image

Add the given fields to the user-metadata of the image.

AbstractLocalImageClass in namespace Rokka\Client\LocalImage

The abstract class for representing local images.

AbstractCallbacksClass in namespace Rokka\Client\TemplateHelper

Used for looking up and saving hashes related to a local image.

UriHelper::addOptionsToUriString() — Method in class UriHelper

Allows you to add stack options to a Rokka URL.

UriHelper::addOptionsToUri() — Method in class UriHelper

Allows you to add stack options to a Rokka URL.


BaseClass in namespace Rokka\Client

Base Client class.

$ Organization#billingEmailProperty in class Organization
$ SourceImage#binaryHashProperty in class SourceImage
DynamicMetadataHelper::buildDynamicMetadata() — Method in class DynamicMetadataHelper
SearchHelper::buildSearchSortParameter() — Method in class SearchHelper

Builds the "sort" parameter for the source image listing API endpoint.


$ Base#clientProperty in class Base

Client to access Rokka.

Base::call() — Method in class Base

Call the API rokka endpoint.

CropAreaClass in namespace Rokka\Client\Core\DynamicMetadata
CropArea::createFromDecodedJsonResponse() — Method in class CropArea

Create a CropArea from the decoded JSON data.

DetectionFace::createFromDecodedJsonResponse() — Method in class DetectionFace

Create a SubjectArea from the decoded JSON data.

DynamicMetadataInterface::createFromDecodedJsonResponse() — Method in class DynamicMetadataInterface

Create a DynamicMetadata from the decoded JSON data.

MultiAreas::createFromDecodedJsonResponse() — Method in class MultiAreas

Create a DynamicMetadata from the decoded JSON data.

SubjectArea::createFromDecodedJsonResponse() — Method in class SubjectArea

Create a SubjectArea from the decoded JSON data.

Version::createFromDecodedJsonResponse() — Method in class Version

Create a CropArea from the decoded JSON data.

Membership::createFromJsonResponse() — Method in class Membership

Create a user from the JSON data returned by the rokka.io API.

OperationCollection::count() — Method in class OperationCollection

Return number of operations.

OperationCollection::createFromJsonResponse() — Method in class OperationCollection

Create a collection from the JSON data returned by the rokka.io API.

OperationCollection::current() — Method in class OperationCollection
Organization::createFromJsonResponse() — Method in class Organization

Create an organization from the JSON data.

$ SourceImage#createdProperty in class SourceImage
SourceImage::createFromDecodedJsonResponse() — Method in class SourceImage

Create a source image from the decoded JSON data.

SourceImage::createFromJsonResponse() — Method in class SourceImage

Create a source image from the JSON data.

SourceImageCollection::count() — Method in class SourceImageCollection

Return number in the collection.

SourceImageCollection::createFromJsonResponse() — Method in class SourceImageCollection

Create a collection from the JSON data returned by the rokka.io API.

SourceImageCollection::current() — Method in class SourceImageCollection
Stack::createFromDecodedJsonResponse() — Method in class Stack

Create a stack from a decoded JSON data returned by the rokka.io API.

Stack::createFromJsonResponse() — Method in class Stack

Create a stack from the JSON data returned by the rokka.io API.

Stack::createFromConfig() — Method in class Stack

Creates a Stack object from an array.

StackCollection::count() — Method in class StackCollection

Return the number of stacks in this collection.

StackCollection::createFromJsonResponse() — Method in class StackCollection

Create a stack from the JSON data returned by the rokka.io API.

StackCollection::current() — Method in class StackCollection
StackExpression::createFromDecodedJsonResponse() — Method in class StackExpression

Create a stack from the decoded JSON data returned by the rokka.io API.

StackOperation::createFromDecodedJsonResponse() — Method in class StackOperation

Create a stack operation from the decoded JSON data returned by the rokka.io API.

UriComponents::createFromArray() — Method in class UriComponents

Creates a UriComponent object from an array with 'stack', 'hash', 'format', 'filename' and 'stack' as keys.

User::createFromJsonResponse() — Method in class User

Create a user from the JSON data returned by the rokka.io API.

Image::copySourceImage() — Method in class Image

Copy a source image to another org.

Image::copySourceImages() — Method in class Image

Copy multiple sources image to another org.

Image::createStack() — Method in class Image

Create a stack.

$ AbstractLocalImage#contextProperty in class AbstractLocalImage

Can be anything and accessed in callbacks and such.

UriHelper::composeUri() — Method in class UriHelper

Generate a rokka uri with an array or an UriComponent returned by decomposeUri().

User::createUser() — Method in class User

Create a user.

User::createOrganization() — Method in class User

Create an organization.

User::createMembership() — Method in class User

Create a membership.

User::createUserAndMembership() — Method in class User

Create a user and membership associated to this organization.


$ Base#defaultOrganizationProperty in class Base

Default organization.

DetectionFaceClass in namespace Rokka\Client\Core\DynamicMetadata
DynamicMetadataInterfaceClass in namespace Rokka\Client\Core\DynamicMetadata

Marker interface to mark classes as dynamic metadata.

$ Organization#displayNameProperty in class Organization

Public display name.

$ SourceImage#dynamicMetadataProperty in class SourceImage
DynamicMetadataHelperClass in namespace Rokka\Client
Image::deleteSourceImage() — Method in class Image

Delete a source image.

Image::deleteSourceImagesWithBinaryHash() — Method in class Image

Delete source images by binaryhash.

Image::deleteStack() — Method in class Image

Delete a stack.

Image::deleteDynamicMetadata() — Method in class Image

Delete the given DynamicMetadata from a SourceImage.

Image::deleteUserMetadata() — Method in class Image

Delete the user-metadata from the given image.

Image::deleteUserMetadataField() — Method in class Image

Delete the given field from the user-metadata of the image.

Image::deleteUserMetadataFields() — Method in class Image

Delete the given fields from the user-metadata of the image.

DefaultCallbacksClass in namespace Rokka\Client\TemplateHelper

The default implementation for \Rokka\Client\TemplateHelper\AbstractCallbacks.

UriHelper::decomposeUri() — Method in class UriHelper

Return components of a rokka URL.

User::deleteMembership() — Method in class User

Deletes a membership for the given organization and user's ID.


$ StackExpression#expressionProperty in class StackExpression
$ StackOperation#expressionsProperty in class StackOperation

Configured operation expressions provided for the stack.

$ User#emailProperty in class User

Email of user.

Image::extractHashFromLocationHeader() — Method in class Image

Helper function to extract from a Location header the image hash, only the first Location is used.


$ SourceImage#formatProperty in class SourceImage
FactoryClass in namespace Rokka\Client

Factory class with static methods to easily instantiate clients.

FileInfoClass in namespace Rokka\Client\LocalImage

Creates a LocalImage object with a \SplFileInfo object as input.

$ DefaultCallbacks#fileExtensionProperty in class DefaultCallbacks


Base::getOrganizationName() — Method in class Base

Return the organization or the default if empty.

AbstractStack::getName() — Method in class AbstractStack

Get name of stack for url.

AbstractStack::getStackOperations() — Method in class AbstractStack
AbstractStack::getStackOperationsByName() — Method in class AbstractStack

Returns all operations matching name.

AbstractStack::getStackOptions() — Method in class AbstractStack
AbstractStack::getStackVariables() — Method in class AbstractStack
CropArea::getName() — Method in class CropArea
DetectionFace::getName() — Method in class DetectionFace
DetectionFace::getForJson() — Method in class DetectionFace

Get the data, which should be json-fied later.

DynamicMetadataInterface::getName() — Method in class DynamicMetadataInterface
DynamicMetadataInterface::getForJson() — Method in class DynamicMetadataInterface

Get the data, which should be json-fied later.

MultiAreas::getName() — Method in class MultiAreas
MultiAreas::getAreas() — Method in class MultiAreas

Get all Areas.

MultiAreas::getAreasByName() — Method in class MultiAreas

Gets an array of Areas with a specific name.

MultiAreas::getFirstAreaByName() — Method in class MultiAreas

Gets the first Area with a specific name (all others have no meaning currently).

MultiAreas::getForJson() — Method in class MultiAreas

Get the data, which should be json-fied later.

SubjectArea::getName() — Method in class SubjectArea
SubjectArea::getForJson() — Method in class SubjectArea

Get the data, which should be json-fied later.

Version::getName() — Method in class Version
Version::getForJson() — Method in class Version

Get the data, which should be json-fied later.

Version::getText() — Method in class Version
Operation::getName() — Method in class Operation

Get Name.

Operation::getProperties() — Method in class Operation

Get Properties.

Operation::getRequired() — Method in class Operation

Get Required properties.

OperationCollection::getOperations() — Method in class OperationCollection

Return operations.

Organization::getId() — Method in class Organization

Get Id.

Organization::getDisplayName() — Method in class Organization

Get name for displaying.

Organization::getName() — Method in class Organization

Get name for url.

Organization::getBillingEmail() — Method in class Organization

Get Billing Email.

SourceImageCollection::getTotal() — Method in class SourceImageCollection

Returns the total amount of items available in the API for the current listing.

SourceImageCollection::getCursor() — Method in class SourceImageCollection

Returns the cursor value, if any.

SourceImageCollection::getLinks() — Method in class SourceImageCollection

Returns the pagination/navigation links.

SourceImageCollection::getSourceImages() — Method in class SourceImageCollection

Return the source images in the collection.

Stack::getOrganization() — Method in class Stack

Get name of organization this stack belongs to.

Stack::getCreated() — Method in class Stack

Get date of creation for this stack.

Stack::getStackExpressions() — Method in class Stack
Stack::getConfig() — Method in class Stack

Gets stack operations / options / expressions as one array.

Stack::getDynamicUriString() — Method in class Stack

Returns the stack url part as a dynamic stack for previewing.

StackCollection::getStacks() — Method in class StackCollection

Return the stacks.

StackExpression::getExpression() — Method in class StackExpression
StackExpression::getOptionsOverrides() — Method in class StackExpression
StackExpression::getVariablesOverrides() — Method in class StackExpression
StackUri::getStackUri() — Method in class StackUri

Returns the stack uri in 'dynamic' notation.

StackUri::getStackUriString() — Method in class StackUri

Returns the stack url part as it should be with "addOptionsToUrl" calls in 'dynamic' notation.

StackUri::getConfigAsArray() — Method in class StackUri

Gets stack operations / options as "flat" array.

UriComponents::getStack() — Method in class UriComponents
UriComponents::getHash() — Method in class UriComponents
UriComponents::getFormat() — Method in class UriComponents
UriComponents::getFilename() — Method in class UriComponents
User::getId() — Method in class User

Get Id.

User::getEmail() — Method in class User

Get Email.

User::getApiKey() — Method in class User

Get Api Key.

DynamicMetadataHelper::getDynamicMetadataClassName() — Method in class DynamicMetadataHelper

Returns the Dynamic Metadata class name from the API name.

Factory::getImageClient() — Method in class Factory

Return an image client.

Factory::getUserClient() — Method in class Factory

Return a user client.

Image::getSourceImage() — Method in class Image

Load a source image's metadata from Rokka.

Image::getSourceImagesWithBinaryHash() — Method in class Image

Loads source images metadata from Rokka by binaryhash.

Image::getSourceImageContents() — Method in class Image

Get a source image's binary contents from Rokka.

Image::getStack() — Method in class Image

Return a stack.

Image::getSourceImageUri() — Method in class Image

Returns url for accessing the image.

AbstractLocalImage::getRealpath() — Method in class AbstractLocalImage

Returns the realPath of an image, if there is one.

AbstractLocalImage::getFilename() — Method in class AbstractLocalImage

Returns the filename of an image.

AbstractLocalImage::getContent() — Method in class AbstractLocalImage

Returns the actual content of an image.

AbstractLocalImage::getIdentifier() — Method in class AbstractLocalImage

Returns the unique custom identifier.

AbstractLocalImage::getContext() — Method in class AbstractLocalImage

Returns the custom context.

AbstractLocalImage::getRokkaHash() — Method in class AbstractLocalImage

Returns the rokkaHash, in case the object knows it already.

FileInfo::getFilename() — Method in class FileInfo

Returns the filename of an image.

FileInfo::getIdentifier() — Method in class FileInfo

Returns the unique custom identifier.

FileInfo::getRealpath() — Method in class FileInfo

Returns the realPath of an image, if there is one.

FileInfo::getContent() — Method in class FileInfo
RokkaHash::getIdentifier() — Method in class RokkaHash

Returns the unique custom identifier.

RokkaHash::getContent() — Method in class RokkaHash

Returns the actual content of an image.

StringContent::getIdentifier() — Method in class StringContent

Returns the unique custom identifier.

StringContent::getContent() — Method in class StringContent

Returns the actual content of an image.

TemplateHelper::getHashMaybeUpload() — Method in class TemplateHelper

Returns the hash of an image.

TemplateHelper::getStackUrl() — Method in class TemplateHelper

Gets the rokka URL for an image Uploads it, if we don't have a hash locally.

TemplateHelper::getResizeUrl() — Method in class TemplateHelper

Return the rokka URL for getting a resized image.

TemplateHelper::getResizeCropUrl() — Method in class TemplateHelper

Return the rokka URL for getting a resized and cropped image.

TemplateHelper::getOriginalSizeUrl() — Method in class TemplateHelper

Return the rokka URL for getting the image in it's original size.

TemplateHelper::getSrcAttributes() — Method in class TemplateHelper

Returns a src and srcset attibrute (as one string) with the correct rokka render urls for responsive images.

TemplateHelper::getSrcSetUrl() — Method in class TemplateHelper

Returns a srcset compatible url string with the correct rokka render urls for responsive images.

TemplateHelper::getBackgroundImageStyle() — Method in class TemplateHelper

Returns a background-image:url defintions (as one string) with the correct rokka render urls for responsive images.

TemplateHelper::getImagename() — Method in class TemplateHelper

Returns the filename of the image without extension.

TemplateHelper::generateRokkaUrl() — Method in class TemplateHelper

Gets the rokka URL for an image hash and stack with optional seo filename in the URL.

TemplateHelper::getRokkaClient() — Method in class TemplateHelper

Gets the rokka image client used by this class.

TemplateHelper::getImageObject() — Method in class TemplateHelper

Returns a LocalImage object depending on the input.

AbstractCallbacks::getHash() — Method in class AbstractCallbacks

Callback when a "local" image needs its hash.

AbstractCallbacks::getMetadata() — Method in class AbstractCallbacks

Return an array of metadata to be sent to the rokka server.

DefaultCallbacks::getHash() — Method in class DefaultCallbacks

Callback when a "local" image needs its hash.

UriHelper::getSrcSetUrlString() — Method in class UriHelper
UriHelper::getSrcSetUrl() — Method in class UriHelper

Returns a rokka URL to be used in srcset style attributes.

User::getCurrentUserId() — Method in class User

Get current user.

User::getOrganization() — Method in class User

Return an organization.

User::getMembership() — Method in class User

Get the membership metadata for the given organization and user's ID.


$ DetectionFace#heightProperty in class DetectionFace
$ SubjectArea#heightProperty in class SubjectArea
$ SourceImage#hashProperty in class SourceImage
$ SourceImage#heightProperty in class SourceImage


$ Organization#idProperty in class Organization

UUID v4.

$ User#idProperty in class User

UUID v4.

ImageClass in namespace Rokka\Client

Image client for the rokka.io service.

$ AbstractLocalImage#identifierProperty in class AbstractLocalImage

A unique identifier for this image, can be any string.


OperationCollection::key() — Method in class OperationCollection
SourceImageCollection::key() — Method in class SourceImageCollection
StackCollection::key() — Method in class StackCollection


$ Membership#lastAccessProperty in class Membership

Last acess of this user to this organization.

$ SourceImage#linkProperty in class SourceImage
Image::listSourceImages() — Method in class Image

List source images.

Image::listOperations() — Method in class Image

List operations.

Image::listStacks() — Method in class Image

List stacks.

User::listMemberships() — Method in class User

List the membership metadata for the given organization.


MultiAreasClass in namespace Rokka\Client\Core\DynamicMetadata
MembershipClass in namespace Rokka\Client\Core

Represents the relation of a user to an organization.


$ AbstractStack#nameProperty in class AbstractStack
$ Operation#nameProperty in class Operation

Descriptive name of the operation.

OperationCollection::next() — Method in class OperationCollection
$ Organization#nameProperty in class Organization

Organization name.

$ SourceImage#nameProperty in class SourceImage
SourceImageCollection::next() — Method in class SourceImageCollection
StackCollection::next() — Method in class StackCollection
$ StackOperation#nameProperty in class StackOperation

Name of the operation.


$ Membership#organizationIdProperty in class Membership

UUID v4 of organization.

OperationClass in namespace Rokka\Client\Core

Represents a single operation to be executed on an image.

OperationCollectionClass in namespace Rokka\Client\Core

Represents a collection of image transformation operations in a stack.

OrganizationClass in namespace Rokka\Client\Core

Organizations are independent instances of the Rokka service.

$ SourceImage#organizationProperty in class SourceImage
$ Stack#organizationProperty in class Stack
$ StackExpression#overridesProperty in class StackExpression
$ StackOperation#optionsProperty in class StackOperation

Configured operation options provided for the stack.

UriComponents::offsetExists() — Method in class UriComponents
UriComponents::offsetGet() — Method in class UriComponents
UriComponents::offsetSet() — Method in class UriComponents
UriComponents::offsetUnset() — Method in class UriComponents


$ SubjectArea#percentageProperty in class SubjectArea
$ Operation#propertiesProperty in class Operation


$ Membership#rolesProperty in class Membership
$ Operation#requiredProperty in class Operation

Required parameters.

OperationCollection::rewind() — Method in class OperationCollection
SourceImageCollection::rewind() — Method in class SourceImageCollection
StackCollection::rewind() — Method in class StackCollection
Image::restoreSourceImage() — Method in class Image

Restore a source image.

$ AbstractLocalImage#rokkaHashProperty in class AbstractLocalImage

The rokka hash from the rokka API.

RokkaHashClass in namespace Rokka\Client\LocalImage

Creates a LocalImage object with an existing rokka hash as input.


Base::setCredentials() — Method in class Base

Set the credentials.

$ AbstractStack#stackOperationsProperty in class AbstractStack
$ AbstractStack#stackOptionsProperty in class AbstractStack
$ AbstractStack#stackVariablesProperty in class AbstractStack
AbstractStack::setName() — Method in class AbstractStack
AbstractStack::setStackOperations() — Method in class AbstractStack
AbstractStack::setStackOptions() — Method in class AbstractStack
AbstractStack::setStackVariables() — Method in class AbstractStack
SubjectAreaClass in namespace Rokka\Client\Core\DynamicMetadata
Version::setText() — Method in class Version
SourceImageClass in namespace Rokka\Client\Core

Represents the metadata of an image.

$ SourceImage#shortHashProperty in class SourceImage
$ SourceImage#sizeProperty in class SourceImage
$ SourceImage#staticMetadataProperty in class SourceImage
SourceImageCollectionClass in namespace Rokka\Client\Core

Represents a collection of source images.

StackClass in namespace Rokka\Client\Core

Represents a collection of stack operations for an organization.

$ Stack#stackExpressionsProperty in class Stack
Stack::setOrganization() — Method in class Stack
Stack::setStackExpressions() — Method in class Stack
StackAbstractClass in namespace Rokka\Client\Core

This class is here for BC reasons. We renamed it to AbstractStack to be consistent with coding standards.

StackCollectionClass in namespace Rokka\Client\Core

Holds a list of stacks.

StackExpressionClass in namespace Rokka\Client\Core
StackExpression::setExpression() — Method in class StackExpression
StackExpression::setOptionsOverrides() — Method in class StackExpression
StackExpression::setVariablesOverrides() — Method in class StackExpression
StackOperationClass in namespace Rokka\Client\Core

Represents an operation with configuration.

StackUriClass in namespace Rokka\Client\Core

This class is useful for working on stack URIs (dynamic or defined ones).

UriComponents::setStack() — Method in class UriComponents
UriComponents::setHash() — Method in class UriComponents
UriComponents::setFormat() — Method in class UriComponents
UriComponents::setFilename() — Method in class UriComponents
Image::searchSourceImages() — Method in class Image

Search and list source images.

Image::saveStack() — Method in class Image

Save a stack on rokka.

Image::setDynamicMetadata() — Method in class Image

Add the given DynamicMetadata to a SourceImage.

Image::setUserMetadataField() — Method in class Image

Add (or update) the given user-metadata field to the image.

Image::setUserMetadata() — Method in class Image

Set the given fields as the user-metadata of the image.

AbstractLocalImage::setIdentifier() — Method in class AbstractLocalImage

Sets the unique custom identifier.

AbstractLocalImage::setContext() — Method in class AbstractLocalImage

Sets the custom context.

StringContentClass in namespace Rokka\Client\LocalImage

Creates a LocalImage object with the content of an image as input.

SearchHelperClass in namespace Rokka\Client

Helper class for Search parameter building for Rokka.io service.

TemplateHelper::slugify() — Method in class TemplateHelper

Create a URL-safe text from $text.

AbstractCallbacks::saveHash() — Method in class AbstractCallbacks

This method is called, when an image was saved/uploaded to the rokka server.

DefaultCallbacks::saveHash() — Method in class DefaultCallbacks

This method is called, when an image was saved/uploaded to the rokka server.


$ Version#textProperty in class Version
StackOperation::toArray() — Method in class StackOperation

Return the stack operation as an array.

TemplateHelperClass in namespace Rokka\Client

This class provides lots of helper functionality usually used in templates.


$ Membership#userIdProperty in class Membership

UUID v4 of user.

$ SourceImage#userMetadataProperty in class SourceImage
UriComponentsClass in namespace Rokka\Client\Core

Abstracts the components away of a rokka uri (hash, format, filename, stack, etc)

UserClass in namespace Rokka\Client\Core

Represents a user.

Image::uploadSourceImage() — Method in class Image

Upload a source image.

Image::uploadSourceImageByUrl() — Method in class Image

Upload a source image.

UriHelperClass in namespace Rokka\Client
UserClass in namespace Rokka\Client

User management client for the rokka.io service.


VersionClass in namespace Rokka\Client\Core\DynamicMetadata
OperationCollection::valid() — Method in class OperationCollection
SourceImageCollection::valid() — Method in class SourceImageCollection
StackCollection::valid() — Method in class StackCollection
SearchHelper::validateFieldName() — Method in class SearchHelper

Validates the field name.


$ DetectionFace#widthProperty in class DetectionFace
$ SubjectArea#widthProperty in class SubjectArea
$ SourceImage#widthProperty in class SourceImage


$ DetectionFace#xProperty in class DetectionFace
$ SubjectArea#xProperty in class SubjectArea


$ DetectionFace#yProperty in class DetectionFace
$ SubjectArea#yProperty in class SubjectArea


Base::__construct() — Method in class Base
AbstractStack::__construct() — Method in class AbstractStack
DetectionFace::__construct() — Method in class DetectionFace

DetectionFace constructor.

MultiAreas::__construct() — Method in class MultiAreas
SubjectArea::__construct() — Method in class SubjectArea

SubjectArea constructor.

Version::__construct() — Method in class Version
Membership::__construct() — Method in class Membership
Operation::__construct() — Method in class Operation
OperationCollection::__construct() — Method in class OperationCollection
Organization::__construct() — Method in class Organization
SourceImage::__construct() — Method in class SourceImage
SourceImageCollection::__construct() — Method in class SourceImageCollection
Stack::__construct() — Method in class Stack
StackCollection::__construct() — Method in class StackCollection
StackExpression::__construct() — Method in class StackExpression
StackOperation::__construct() — Method in class StackOperation
StackUri::__construct() — Method in class StackUri

StackUri constructor.

StackUri::__toString() — Method in class StackUri
UriComponents::__construct() — Method in class UriComponents

StackUriComponents constructor.

User::__construct() — Method in class User
Image::__construct() — Method in class Image
AbstractLocalImage::__construct() — Method in class AbstractLocalImage
FileInfo::__construct() — Method in class FileInfo
RokkaHash::__construct() — Method in class RokkaHash
StringContent::__construct() — Method in class StringContent
TemplateHelper::__construct() — Method in class TemplateHelper
User::__construct() — Method in class User